Friday, March 24, 2006

why yesterday was great

I had some free time. Of course, I could have used it to do something, but I put my foot down. I slept in, went to class, ate lunch and studied for a quiz, went to class to take said quiz, gave blood and then went home. I then proceeded to spend about 3 hours in front of my TV playing my new Harry Potter Gamecube game (yes, I know, I'm a nerd). After supper I went over to a friend's place to watch my favorite Thursday TV lineup (which included 2 episodes of My Name is Earl). Then the majority of my friends and I went to V for Vendetta. It was pretty A for awesome. I wasted 10 hours yesterday. I loved every minute of it.

8 mindblowing comments:

dawnmarie said...

you're the first person i've heard say that about v for vendetta.

sorry about the heating pad. you just can't trust anyone these days.

wish i had wasted 10 hours yesterday. wait, does work count?

theresa said...

I'm better off single. I got what I needed out of the relationship and in this particular case, it was all about me.

And yes, work does count.

Sarah said...

i was in class and only set my VCR to tape 8-9. the first earl, was it a re-run?

Sarah said...

hey, i know! instead of burning me the RCPM CD, how 'bout you copy me some Jack Johnson? you do have it, right? BMG is trying to tell me I have to pay full price for it because it's new &/or popular and I really don't care enough to pay $23 or whatever. [/shameless begging]

dawnmarie said...

Jack johnson! Sarah, we have very different tastes in music.

Sarah said...

sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. i'm finding that i am expanding mine beyond anything i ever would have expected.

theresa said...

yep, I have three of his cd's. And I think this is eerie because Mr. Johnson is playing on the radio right now. I'll be happy to make copies.

Sarah said...

you rock. i mean, i know that's not news, but i just wanted to remind you.