Monday, March 13, 2006

at a grocery store near you:

Ace and I went grocery shopping before supper. It was a bad idea.

23 mindblowing comments:

Sarah said...

um, both of those flavors look gross, but i bet i woulda bought some if i'd seen it.

*makes mental note: do NOT go down the frozen aisle*

dawnmarie said...

the graham slam doesn't look too bad...but i know how sarah feels about marshmallows.

theresa said...

hee...and peanut butter.

the graham slam is mine. I want to try it but I'm still too full from supper.

dawnmarie said...

yeah, i'm not a PB fan either.

but, i totally dreamt about this ice cream last night. nick and i were at the grocery store, and i was trying to convince him to buy it and for some reason he wouldn't LET me. which in itself was weird.

Brianinmpls said...


theresa said...


Sarah said...

MTRR i do like peanut butter, but for the most part, only in its original form.

i prefer jif. i really, really like it between two saltine crackers. that and a big glass o'milk has been many a dinner for me. and not just because i'm poor.

theresa said...

hmmm...for some reason I thought you didn't like peanut butter. oops.

dawnmarie said...

that's me.

theresa said...


sarah=jif peanut butter, crackers, milk
dawn=no peanut butter, no milk(right?). how do you feel about crackers?

I need to get these vital bits of information straight.

dawnmarie said...

i harbor no real feelings ill or otherwise towards crackers.

Brianinmpls said...

You guys crack me up:) This is awesome dialog.....after the multitude of hoser comments I was losing faith in team chipolte but it has now offically been restored

dawnmarie said...

briaƱ, it's one of the things i love about us. and there was one hoser comment.

i should add that i love me some strawberry jelly and saltines.

theresa said...

dawn, me too! and now they make jelly in a squeeze container so it's a lot more convenient.

as for the hoser comment(I left one too, though we should all be advised that I was in an altered state), it's more like a hug than anything else. kinda like when I call people smelly. unless the person really is smelly, then it isn't like a hug. clear as mud, right?

Sarah said...

i don't like jelly. i do like preserves, or jam, i suppose some people say. it's gotta have some damn fruit in it. none of that plain gelatinous stuff.

imagine, if you will, a grilled cheese sandwich. now, sub out the cheese for PB&J. mmmmmmmmm. and yes, milk. nacho cheese doritos make a nice accompaniment as well.

theresa said...

I call all of it jelly, with or without the fruit. I'm too lazy to remember the difference. And for the record, I like both jelly and preserves/jam.

dawnmarie said...

ditto to T. call it all jelly. i prefer the stuff with fruit.

Sarah said...

i'll cop to calling it all jelly too, but i wanted to make sure we were on the same page. 'cause when i say jelly, i don't mean jelly. capice?

dawnmarie said...

capice, cap'n

Sarah said...

i'm really glad we had this talk, girls.

theresa said...

I agree. I think it was important for our success in the future.

Sarah said...

i think it will only make our relationship stronger in the end.

dawnmarie said...

i'm so totally having saltines and jelly/jam/preserves for dinner tonight. with a lemonade, cause i don't play the milk game.