Tuesday, February 28, 2006

spring break: plan Q

My plans to go to Denver next week have flown out the window. Too many people out of the original group backed out to make the trip feasible for the rest of us. It is unfortunate for a lot of reasons but will be ok in the long run. I'll save a considerable amount of money and get my work done for the paper nazi.

Under no circumstances do the plans to go to Denver being cancelled equal me staying in Brookings for the week. Not a chance in hell that's going to happen. Four of my college peeps are going to get a hotel room in the Twin Cities area for a few nights. As for me, I am going to talk to my sister and see if she would like a houseguest for the week. (Tina, if you read this before I get a chance to call you, give it some thought!)

That senario is ideal for me. I would have somewhere isolated to work on my papers plus I would be close enough to hang out with my friends who will be in town and all of the other people I know in the area.

However, if my plan to hang out at my sister's doesn't work, Dawn was kind and offered to let me stay at her place. For Dawn:

12 mindblowing comments:

dawnmarie said...

that, my friend, is beautiful.

Sarah said...

sorry you can't go to denver! but have a burrito for me, okay?

theresa said...

I'll see what I can do.

Brianinmpls said...

Who is that guy?

Anonymous said...

AJ would look so much better if the Giants logo was a Twins logo. But still, it's AJ. I miss him.

dawnmarie said...

briaƱ- it's AJ Piersynski (sp?) he used to be the catcher for the Twins, now he's the catcher for the white sox, he was my first love and he got traded.

i love him more than nicky punto, for the record.

theresa said...

Dawn, close on the spelling. It's Pierzynski. I miss his attitude.

dawnmarie said...

thanks T, I was spacing it out.

Rachel said...

*sigh* I miss AJ and all of his sass.

And T, you could stay with me too. I know Dawn has an extra bedroom and all, but I have really comfy carpet. Just sayin'.

dawnmarie said...

you're welcome to stay at rachel's, i won't be offended, especially since i'll be gone, just let me know where you're staying, because if you don't stay with me, nick has to feed my fish.

it's all about the fish.

theresa said...

I feel obligation to the fish. And I like the idea of having a bed. But I do plan on visiting Rachel in her new apartment (if that's ok with Rachel of course)

dawnmarie said...

all right, the place is yours.