Friday, February 24, 2006

feelin' blue in a red state

I'm sure most of you have already heard about it but this afternoon South Dakota legislature voted to ban all abortions with the exception of those which endanger the life of the mother. Mike Rounds, South Dakota's governor plans to sign the bill. If he signs it, the law goes into practice July 1st.

I'm about as pro-choice as they come. Personally I don't think I could live with myself if I had an abortion. However, if someone else can deal with those emotions and decisions, it should be their option. It is my body and I should have the right to decide what happens to it.

There are circumstances where abortion should be considered. In this case, rape and incest were ignored. I think life is a precious thing but can you imagine the mental distress a woman would go through carrying a child conceived by rape? It would be awful. Not to mention that once the baby is born the "sperm donor" would technically have parental rights.

The timing of this bill is not a coincidence. The recent appointments of Alito and Roberts allow for a potential reversal of Roe v. Wade. The legislature is already setting up an account to accept donations that would be used to defend their decision. I can only hope that once this case reaches the supreme court (and I have no doubts that it will) they don't reverse the Roe v. Wade decision.

1 mindblowing comments:

Sarah said...

at least you're not a native south dakotan! i have to put up with these backwards politics forever. well, so i could move, but we all know how likely that is. but yeah - i totally hear you on this one. i couldn't go through an abortion either, but i should have the ability to make that decision for myself.

i don't know if rounds has young children, but i would guess he probably does. would he feel differently if his 12-year old daughter was impregnated by some 56-year old sex offender? i'd bet the house on it.