Friday, February 10, 2006


I gave this morning a lot of thought as I sat in class and I came up with a solution as to why it all went down the way it did.

Within the past couple of weeks I decided that I needed to eat breakfast every morning. If I don't eat before drinking coffee my stomach gets all upset and I get grumpy. Up to this point, I've been eating peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. Yesterday the pickles ran out so this morning I couldn't make a sandwich.

If my car wouldn't have been hit, the coffee wouldn't have spilled. If the coffee doesn't spill, I have an upset stomach and am grumpy. That is also why I have no checks, cash or my student ID. No money = no coffee = me not having an upset stomach or being grumpy = me being happier all the way around. Well, except the scuff on the bumper of my car, which just a minor detail at this point.

I like it when I figure stuff out *pats self on back*

3 mindblowing comments:

Anonymous said...

I [heart] people who find the good in everything!

I hope you're okay, and everything goes well!

Rachel said...

Good job looking on the bright side!

theresa said...

Beth, it was hard to do, but I needed to find something good in just one of the crappy things that have happened this week.