Wednesday, April 05, 2006

story time

Girl has headache which she thinks is developing into a migraine. Girl skips her last class of the day to go home and rest. Girl goes to work. Girl thinks she made a mistake. Luckily for Girl, it is the day work is testing fire alarms. Girl almost cries. Girl wonders if she should go home. Most days, it wouldn't be a no brainer. Today however has special circumstances. Girl's boss is at home with her daughter whose wounds from surgery are infected. Girl's co-worker's brother had a heart attack and is in the hospital. Girl's co-worker is at work, but Girl thinks co-worker wants to leave work and go to the hospital.

Question of the day:
What does Girl do?

9 mindblowing comments:

Rachel said...

poor Girl. I vote hospital. Girl isn't going to get much done at work today anyway when she feels miserable.

theresa said...

I guess the dilemma is that if Girl leaves to go home, then Girl's co-worker probably won't leave to go to the hospital to be with her brother. Girl feels guilty about it.

dawnmarie said...

*feels girls pain*

theresa said...

for the record, Girl stuck it out and feels much better now.

Sarah said...

i was gonna tell girl to pop an imitrex and buck up. glad you stuck it out. i like what it says about you. *highfive*

dawnmarie said...

well now don't I feel guilty for staying home today... my defense I didn't prevent anyone form hopsital visits or anything.

but T, when I have a headache, i throw up, males things miles better.

dawnmarie said...

erm.. maKes, not males...

theresa said...

that was real close to happening when the fire alarms went off...ow.

My co-worker didn't end up leaving early, but she was reall worried all day so I'm glad I didn't leave her by herself

Anonymous said...

I'm glad things worked out well in the end, but I feel your pain in making a decision like that. I'm glad you could stick it out.