Thursday, April 27, 2006

hooray for me

I don't have the mumps or strep throat. Huzzah! I officially have "the crud". So now I'm on some medicine and it shall all go away soon.

This weekend I'm touring southern Minnesota. I'll make a stop at my parent's place so my dad can take a look at my car door. I can't open the driver's side door from the outside. As you may guess, this makes things inconvenient. Luckily for me, I can put down the windows from the outside using my key so it isn't too difficult. It's just annoying. So hopefully my resourceful father can do what he does and make it work. While he's taking a looking at it, I'll be on my way to Rochester with Claussen and Krispy. Claussen is signing a lease for a townhouse in Pine Island so I'm just going with for the ride. If I go home tomorrow night, I might try to sweet talk dad into getting out the old truck so I can wash it.

That's all for now. Make sure to watch The Office tonight. It looks like it'll be super funny.

10 mindblowing comments:

Rachel said...

Glad to hear they didn't kill you off.

Sarah said...

love the new look! and yes, 10 minutes in and the office does not disappoint.

theresa said...

exactly how much pot did you smoke?

I think Jim is my new TV boyfriend.

dawnmarie said...

Dude, love the new look.

Why would you want to wash the old truck? random.

Rachel said...

I [heart] Jim.

And I'll be driving through southern minnesota this afternoon. and sunday afternoon.

theresa said...

Dawn, it's post worthy, so I'll work on that today.

Rachel, which route are you taking to get to your Grandma's?

Rachel said...

south on 35 to somewhere in Iowa (Fort Dodge?), then west to Nemaha, then north to Grandma's house.

I'm coming back through Spencer on Sunday so I can meet Mic.

theresa said...

I thought there may have been a possibility you'd roll through my hometown but that is not the case.

thisisbeth said...

I hope you feel better!

theresa said...

so far, so good. I don't have a sore throat for the first time in 11 days. That's gotta be a good start.