Tuesday, June 27, 2006

10 days

That's how much longer I'll be hating fun. That's how many days are left until my summer classes are over. But once I get to that point, it'll all be good. I better get at it. I've got two tests to prepare for and three assignments to finish.

Oh, and I need to get back to watching Joe Mauer go 5 for 5. H-O-T.

6 mindblowing comments:

Sarah said...

hey, did you find any woodchuck at sid's? do tell. [i could go for some...]

theresa said...

OMG, no. No we didn't find Woodchuck at Sid's. Luckily, we didn't get herpes either. *shudder*

However, there's a liquor store in Brandon that has it.

Sarah said...

brandon? i am so not going to brandon.

oh, and sorry about the sid's thing. i've never actually been there. i just know it's supposed to be huge and i figure your odds were better there.

theresa said...

No worries. They had a lot of stuff there, just no woodchuck.

dawnmarie said...

Hi, this is dawn, being happy you don't have herpes.

Jessica Magelky said...

I am excited for you to be non-nonfun!! And we are sitting in the living room right now; this is fun!