Tuesday, August 22, 2006

There's something wrong with the world today...

...I dont know what it is

I got to work at 7:59 and punched in. Then I got caught up with my normal morning reading. After that I ran payments because people like it when their bills get paid on time. So I come back to my desk and am trying to get some work done. It's been hard enough to get anything done this week because there have been other things on my mind but I just couldn't figure out what was missing. All of a sudden the lightbulb turns on. It's absolutely silent. I hadn't plugged my iPod in.

I'm slightly saddened that I'm so dependent on it. I'd like to think that I'm not dependent on a whole lot of anything. It's no secret that I love little gizmos and gadgets. But my iPod is in a whole different league. I have an unnatural attachment to the thing. It's the best $300 I've ever spent.

4 mindblowing comments:

Rachel said...

i [heart] my ipod. i don't know what i did before i bought it. seriously. ipod + itrip = wonderful.

Hageltoast said...

music makes the world keep going.
Not as flash as an ipod, but my MP3 player is like oxygen now.

Sarah said...

i bought a wall charger for $13 off for the sole purpose of charging at the office.

oh wait. did you forget to turn it on, or was it actually out of juice? i think i misunderstood your post.

theresa said...

no, I just forgot to turn it on.