Wednesday, July 05, 2006

you know you spend too much time in the apartment when...

your roommate's mom tells your roommate to tie you up and drag you out to watch fireworks if that's what it takes. I went. My arm wasn't twisted very hard either. AND I got a free Diet Coke out of the deal.

I can't wait for Friday!!

6 mindblowing comments:

Sarah said...

"diet coke, eh? you party animal!", said the girl who went to bed at 8:45.

Sherry said...

Awww, fireworks! Did you oooh and aahhh like a good girl?

theresa said...

I sure did. Especially at the willowy white crackly ones. They're my favorite.

I didn't get sick either. When I was a kid I would puke every year because I couldn't handle the loud noises.

dawnmarie said...

those are totally my favorite ones too. we were so far away from the fireworks, that we couldn't hear the crackles, but I was hearing them in my head.

thisisbeth said...

I love those white crackly ones, too!

Toni said...

Dawn, you hear lots of things in your head.