Yeah, it’s been awhile. It’s been a busy week. Here’s what happened over the long weekend:
I went back to my parent’s place in southern Minnesota for Turkey day. Needless to say, it was more stressful than I could have ever imagined. My grandfather is very sick and odds are this is his last Thanksgiving. It was the first time I’ve seen him since he’s become sick and it broke my heart. He has cancer in his brain and lungs. His muscle control is starting to go and it is hard for him to breathe. I don’t hide the fact that Thanksgiving is my holiday and I’m very thankful that I got to spend this Thanksgiving with him.
Friday night I headed out to the local bar with a bunch of friends from high school. Beer was drank, laughing was done, talk was abundant.
Saturday afternoon I headed up to the Twin Cities to spend time with my very cool “internet friends”. I arrived at Dawn’s around 5 and then we headed to Eden Prairie via St. Paul and Fridley where we picked up more people (I also met Tumbleweed). We proceeded to Champps to meet theoretical Ryan. Fun ensued, especially when Dawn ran into a wall in the bathroom. J When we got back to Fridley (via St. Paul) we found out that Kristie’s car had been broken into while we were gone. It was the fifth time her car had been broken into (that’s right, I said the fifth time). She handled it like a pro and then Bobbi, Dawn and I went to sleep.
Sunday had a fun start. About an hour after we woke up, Dawn was nice enough to remind me it was my birthday. I wouldn’t say that I forgot, but it did slip my mind. I blame it on being sleepy. We had decided the night before we were going to go ice skating so Dawn and I headed for Burnsville to pick up our skates and get Nick’s sharpened. Then we were off to Chipotle for lunch! I committed a misdemeanor and Dawn drove the get away car. :ninja: After a quick stop at Target, we headed to The Depot via the law school where we picked up Nick. Bobbi met us there. Skating was a blast. There were ice dancing duos, a guy in a sweater vest who thought he could skate and a little kid who would have no problem being the next Wayne Gretzky. And then there was my favorite person of the day, the Doogie Howser look alike:
This picture does the man no justice but the resemblance was uncanny. I tried to get a head on shot, but it didn’t work so I ended up with this picture of Nick, Dawn and Bobbi:

Getting out of Minneapolis was fun. We counted 7 guys with purple, grey and white camo pants including Darth Vikings fan:
At that point I decided I should head for home. I made what I thought was going to be a quick stop at my sister’s in Eden Prairie. While I was there I discovered there was a blizzard over Brookings and ended up staying there for the night.
Monday I drove back and worked. I left at 7:30 am and got to work at 12:45.