Monday, July 27, 2009

crazy weekend


Post work happy hour for a 50th birthday celebration. It was held @ Santorini in Eden Prairie. If you haven't been there, they have a GREAT deck. Happy hour was a good time – there were probably 60 people in and out over the course of a few hours.


The day started with a hair cut & highlights. Then it was off to the Laundromat, Leann Chin and Cub with Rachel. Saturday night brought a grill out & game night in Farmington. A very competitive game of kickball was played and was so intense that it went into extra innings J


It was an early morning road trip to the southern part of the state. Rachel and I left around 7:15. She met her mom and sister in Worthington and I rode along and got dropped off at my parents' house. Once Rachel got back, we hung out for a while and stayed for dinner. On the way home, we made a quick stop by the Jolly Green Giant statue. Of course there are pictures but they're on Rach's camera.

And now it's Monday and I wish it were still the weekend.

5 mindblowing comments:

Rachel said...

The pictures are on facebook!

Brianinmpls said...

Are you a kickball ringer?

theresa said...

I don't know if I'm a ringer but I think I did a good enough job considering I played in flip flops. :)

Sarah said...

i have never had leeann chin. am i missing out?

Jennifer said...

The happiest new year to you and your readers!