Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I have a calendar that hangs at my desk. Every day, the first thing I do is put an "X" through the previous day. I do it so I know what the date is. Also, a part of me likes being able to cross off three days after a weekend. I'm not sure why.

Anyway, today one of my co-workers asked me if I was counting down to something. The answer was no. I don't have any big trips coming up. In fact, I only have one mini trip scheduled between now and the end of the year. I am taking a tour of South Dakota over the 4th of July weekend with a one night stay in Sioux falls and a 2-3 night stay in Kadoka(out by the Badlands).

Now I have an even bigger urge to plan a big trip. Too bad my checking account tells me no.

6 mindblowing comments:

Sarah said...

i do the exact same thing with my calendar at work. sometimes i think it's because work feels like a prison and those x's represent metaphorical hatch marks on the cell wall...

dm said...

Like the green. Like. I have no trips planned. Remember when we were gonna go to Mt. Rushmore?

Brianinmpls said...

I hate listening to my checkbook

Sherry said...

I cross off weeks.

I, also, like the new look.

Zeke said...

It's the final countdown!
(doo doot doo doo doo)

Jessica Magelky said...

What are you talking about? Kadoka is just as good as Key West or Maui!! For what its worth, I'm counting the days til you get here...