Monday, June 08, 2009


A happy Monday to you all.

The moving is done. The unpacking is almost complete. The relaxing is about to begin. I'm excited. The past month has certainly been a long one. Now that things are a little more settled, we'll see how often I get this thing updated.

On top of the moving, I managed to squeeze in a weekend of camping at Whitewater State Park. It was fantastic. The weather was great – it was about 80 and sunny both days. Of course there are pictures from the trip. I'll try to get something posted soon.

My mom was in town over the past weekend to help me get some stuff done. We took a trip to Ikea, got things unpacked and cleaned and even managed to sneak in a movie and a little bit of shopping. As I was walking her to her car yesterday morning, we got to observe something interesting: one of the garages designated for garbage dumpsters was on fire. We stood there for 20 or so minutes watched the Hopkins FD do their thing. The remnants of the building will have to be torn down. I'll try to get a picture of that up too. Then yesterday afternoon, Ace, her mom and I went and saw Phantom of the Opera at the Orpheum. Good times.

2 mindblowing comments:

Sarah said...

miss you!

Toni said...

You moved to Hopkins?? I must not have been reading your other posts very thoroughly. I'm glad that you are going to get to relax now.