Tuesday, October 07, 2008

presidential debate + drinking = fun

Ok, so Zeke and I decided to drink during the debate. Here's a list of what we drank to:

Pork barrel
Maverick (I don't think this ever came up)
"I know how to fix that"
America pronounced as “Amurcah”
Referring to the audience as “my friends” (this occured more often than I thought it would)
Drink for mammogram
Chug for pap smear
Failed joke (ie, I may need hairplugs someday)
"My mother"
Vietnam reference
Lack of experience (directed toward Obama)
and much, much more!

By the end, it turned into "that was lame...drink!".

I think the debate was a success.

Zeke, what did I miss??

4 mindblowing comments:

Rachel said...

hee. awesome. I got sick of it after about half an hour and decided to watch Chuck online instead.

Zeke said...

When the undecideds went negative (it was CNN)
McCain looks like he had a stroke
Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb, Iran
Dated self to 1880s (McCain's telegraph reference)
Brokaw asked yes/no question
McCain fails to use left hand (due to stroke)
2nd holocaust
thought she misspelled "holocaust"
I misspelled "misjudging"
Last question

theresa said...

bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb did I forget that one!?!??

clearly my list was incomplete.

Anonymous said...

Kind of mean to say someone looks like they had a stroke when the reason they can't move their arms is because they were hung by them as a POW for so long it caused permanent damage.