Sunday, October 12, 2008

delayed by the paperwork shuffle

As we all know by now, I'm studying for a work test. I was actually hoping to take the test tomorrow. It doesn't look like that is going to happen and it isn't for lack of preparation. I filed all of the necessary paperwork last week but I haven't received the ok to schedule the exam. With any luck, I'll get the ok on Monday and I'll be able to set a date.

As far as my weekend is concerned, it's been pretty laid back. Yesterday I went into Wayzata and had lunch with my sister. Other than than that, I've been mixing it up with relaxing and studying. It's been great and certainly needed after last week. With the way things have been going in the market, the office is nuts. The phone rings non stop and everyone is on edge. That means I work for 70 people who work for thousands of upset/angry/concerned clients. Good times!

My upcoming week is somewhat busy. My mom is in town at my sister's until Wednesday. I'm sure I'll be meeting up with them a couple of times before Mom goes home. On Wednesday, I'm going to my sister's house and staying with her dog while she is in Tennessee for meetings. Hopefully I'll be taking my test somewhere in there too. Then on Friday, I'm going to see the fabulous Ben Folds at the Myth. Yay!

2 mindblowing comments:

Anonymous said...

see you at Ben Folds! We need to talk deets.

Sarah said...

i was thinking about you and work and the market. poor t. people need to settle down a little bit about their money. it's all on paper anyway. it'll come back.