Wednesday, December 20, 2006

cuddles! what's your superpower?

It's true, I'm still alive!

Ok. First and foremost, I'm SICK of driving. I've logged something like 800 miles since last Thursday. Luckily, I have everything packed/moved with the exception of what still needs to be brought in from my car. My current location is Eden Prairie and hopefully will be for the next couple of days. This weekend I'll go back down to Dunnell to spend the Christmas weekend with my family...including my brother provided he can get out from under the 12 feet of snow they've gotten in Colorado Springs in the last 10 minutes. Tomorrow I'm going to run errands (more driving...yay!), hopefully have lunch with a friend, find a quasi-unevil bank and unpack. I might start looking for a job too. That should probably be higher on the priority list, but alas, it isn't. Friday will be a day of sleeping in and job hunting with the possibility of returning to southern Minnesota. We'll see.

Second, here's my seduction style. I needed to be cool like everyone else.

No surprise here, I'm awesome. The online quiz says so. :)

Third, if I don't make it back again within the next few days, have a great holiday weekend! Drive safe, drink responsibly and I hope the fat man in the red suit is good to you. Take care.

10 mindblowing comments:

Rachel said...

My superpower is cuddles too!

Drive recklessly. :)

thisisbeth said...

And if you can't trust an online quiz, what can you trust?!

Merry Christmas!

Sarah said...

merry christmas my tire-loving friend!

dawnmarie said...

welcome home!

Zeke said...

brain teaser: I have two coins totaling 15 cents and one of them is not a nickel...

Brianinmpls said...

Are you living here with the same people as you were rooming with in SD?

theresa said...

nope. for now, I'm living at my sister and brother-in-law's place in Eden Prairie.

Brianinmpls said...

Well welcome to the the best state in the union we are lucky to have you

dawnmarie said...

Did Marvin make it home?

theresa said...

I'm happy to be here too :)

yes, Marvin did make it home. it's a heck of a story though. his plane was delayed a few hours and they put his plane's luggage on the wrong plane so they had to wait for quite a while. He was supposed to get in at midnight but in reality, they left the airport around 5:30 am