Monday, September 18, 2006

I gotta go Julia, we got cows!!

This weekend there were some pretty bad storms here in eastern South Dakota. Imagine my surprise when I got out of the shower and heard the tornado sirens going off. So I turned on the good ol' tv to find out we were in a tornado warning and there was rotation over the SDSU campus (4ish blocks west of where I live).

I live on the top floor of my apartment building. It's a flight and a half of stairs to get to my floor. I understand that during a tornado you're supposed to go to the basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of your dwelling. In the basement, even if the house or building is ripped off of the foundation, you're still sitting on the ground. So you don't get sucked out of your home and shot half way across the county, but at the same time, why would you want to go to the basement and risk being crushed by 3 floors of debris? I'm not sure which is worse.

5 mindblowing comments:

Sherry said...

I lived through a tornado. 90% of the time the debris goes outward - not inward. The tornado I was in completely demolished the house, spreading it out into a field, and we landed on top of the debris. I'd go with the experts on this one!

theresa said...

see, I figured there was a good reason they such things.

Toni said...

I've often wondered the same thing. I need to move somewhere with no tornadoes. Any ideas?

Sherry said...


(That wasn't even funny... sorry)

theresa said...

you get screwed no matter where you are. hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, tornadoes, floods, you're always somewhere that one of those can get you. except colorado...does anything bad ever happen to colorado except lots of snow?