Wednesday, July 02, 2008

day 1

Just when I thought my life was boring...

This morning my mom and I were sitting in my parent's living room watching a movie. All of a sudden the phone rings. As it turns out, it was the transplant clinic at Mayo. We were supposed to gather our things and get to Rochester ASAP. So we called my dad at work, told him to head home and we threw a few things together. We got to Rochester aorund 3. They got her ready to go and we walked down to surgery a little after 4. Surgery officially started at 4:20 and since she's having a double transplant, they expect the procedure to take 10-12 hours. Last we heard, all of the incisions are made, the doner is prepped and they've started the actual transplant. So now we're sitting and waiting for updates. We're about to go across the street and get checked in at the hotel.

We put a CaringBridge page together to make it a little easier to update everyone. Here's the link:

I'll try to keep everything updated as often as I can. Luckily there's a computer on the floor Mom's room is on so it should be easy enough to do updates.

Happy good thoughts everyone!!

2 mindblowing comments:

dm said...

::bubbles:: Good luck!

Sarah said...

love you, theresa!