Sunday, March 02, 2008

TGI March

You know what happens in March?? Think really hard...

No I'm not talking about endless hours of college basketball (even though that happens too)...

That's right, the off season ends! Baseball will be back in less than a month. And not a moment too's been a long winter.

29 days!

7 mindblowing comments:

Rachel said...

That was so funny yesterday when you realized it's March. Quirky indeed...

theresa said...

Was it funnier when I realized it was March, or when I realized that baseball stars in March?

theresa said...

*and by stars, I mean starts

Rachel said...

I think the whole conversation was pretty hilarious.

thisisbeth said...

baseball baseball baseball baseball

Heh. March is pretty exciting!

Sarah said...

who wants to go to san diego for the interleague series with the padres?

dawnmarie said...

I do.