Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail;

if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence.

-H.L. Mencken

I got selected for jury duty. Juror selections start tomorrow. I go to the federal courthouse downtown at 8 am. I'm actually excited in a nerdy way. I'm getting paid from work, plus I get $40 a day and 48.5 cents a mile. As rough as my 9.5 hour days at work have been this week, I'm hoping to be selected and hear a trial for a few days. It'll be a good break.

The whole point of this post is to point out that if I lived 60 or more miles away, the hotel at the top of the list of reccomendations was:

Best Western - Normandy Inn

I'm sorry if you don't understand why that's funny.

We can go back!!!

5 mindblowing comments:

Anonymous said...

The TOP hotel?!? HAHAHAHA!!! But, we CAN go back!!!!

Zeke said...

I just lol'd. Almost sprayed my laptop with Diet Coke.

"I moved across the hall and yet you still managed to keep me awake."

Jessica Magelky said...

I love the Normandy--I still think the milk and cookies are a figment of their imagination, but a neat idea nonetheless. That is also where I found out that SoDak passed the abortion bill the first go-round. Oh, Spring Bake.

Hageltoast said...

I have no idea why that's funny. But hey hope Jury Service goes well. :)

dawnmarie said...

I have no idea either, but call me if you're still downtown next week.