Monday, March 23, 2009

big things are happening

The weekend threw me a wild card. I bought a new car. It's shiny.

Even though I didn't get it from Roger's Auto Group (I don't even know where that is), the car looks a little something like this:

Disclaimers: This picture is stolen from google images and the actual car isn't quite as big as this picture makes it look.

5 mindblowing comments:

thisisbeth said...

Congratulations! Pretty!

What kind of car is it?

Jessica Magelky said...

Holy buckets! New houses...I bought groceries last night. Does that count?

Way to go, you!

theresa said...

Beth, It's a Pontiac G6.

Ike, Thanks! Groceries count!!

I get to pick it up tomorrow - I'm excited :)

Rachel said...

Shiny! Congrats!

dm said...

We had a G6 rental in colorado last spring, very nice ride. Conbrats!